
Create a Branding and Marketing Video that make you money

Watch the video on how to create your won business video The Internet culture of today has evolved and conditioned people from reading to viewing; but even with videos, peoples attention is getting shorter and shorter (remember Vine? 7 seconds was too much for some people). A video is a very powerful way to deliver a message in a short amount of time but in an interesting and entertaining way. But there is one very important question that needs to be asked: “ Can the same video create the same results on different platforms?” No.  Social Media, websites, and television are all totally different platforms that need to be approached in their own ways. Imagine this: you are on your Facebook page, at home or at work, scrolling up and down, seeing many posts, pictures, and some videos. If a video is about a dog doing a flip, very short and adorable, chances are you’ll click on it, smile, and move on. If the video is 2-3 minutes long, has audio, and requires your ful

Create a Video for a Restaurant

The food industry is one of the most competitive businesses out there. From Fast Food chains to high-end restaurants, the food industry offers many people to dine in or take out, all while getting them to spend a good amount of money every month. The question is how to get them to spend their dollars at YOUR restaurant.   There are a few answers to that. When you sell food, youʼre selling a taste, and people eat with their eyes first. Presenting the food in the most sizzling way is your greatest advantage. If the food doesn’t look good, healthy, and most importantly, tasty, or is not on plate clean – it can scare away potential clients. When you create a video for your restaurant, catering, or cooking services, tell a story. Talk about: ·        What compelled you to start your business ·        What you weren't finding everywhere else ·        How you choose your ingredients ·        What the place means to you Before shooting the p

The Powerful Branding Video

Today, w e li v e i n a v is u al , i n teracti v e d i g ita l a g e .   M a n y p e op l e p refe r t o w atc h a v i d e o on li n e t h a n rea d a p a mph le t o r b r o c hu re .   A w e b sit e i s on e o f t h e m o s t pow erf u l m et hod s o f b ra nd i n g a n d esta b lis h i n g cre d i b ilit y f o r a bu si n ess . I f yo u don ' t h a v e a w e b sit e – yo u ar e m issi n g ou t o n a n i n cre d i b l e numb e r o f oppo rt un itie s f o r bu si n ess .   W it h a w e b site , po te n tia l clie n t s ca n lear n mo r e i n f o r m ati o n a bou t yo u a n d you r bu si n ess , you r p r odu ct , o r you r ser v ice .   You r w e b sit e i s als o a p lac e t h e y ca n refe r t o f o r c ommo n concern s , or t o c on tac t yo u w it h a qu esti on , s ugg esti o n o r c omp lai n t. They can also refer a friend and other potential clients.   A g rea t t oo l t o

Your Beauty Has No Expiration Date

Vision Movies is helping with the launch of a new product - Time Eraser by Eterno. We're is creating a unique campaign to  be launched on product's website and be promoted all over social media platform. We're targeting the right audience and the video will generate a huge amount of leads the company can follow up on. Whether you are looking to minimize the signs of aging or slow it’s inevitable presence, Eterno, that has a ground breaking solution with their NASA LED Light Therapy, stem cells from various plants, proven effective peptides, is now introducing a new Anti-Aging product: Time Eraser. Eterno has done amazing research resulting in visible results in 4 weeks and a 30% reduction in wrinkles in 7 weeks. We all want to look our best and Eterno has a great affordable options to achieve that goal. You can get great results in a short amount of time and save hundreds of dollars that would be normally spent at med spas. Beat back that wonderful but wrink