The Addams Family - pure entertainment

"The Addams Family" - the show: pure entertainment! What a pleasure was it to be invited to the Los Angeles premiere of "The Addams Family" show at the Pantages in Hollywood. It's true, I was very excited because I knew I'm going to Beso restaurant afterwards, and get a chance to meet and talk to the cast. But first things first. The show itself was great. It was entertaining, and fun. The music was but the performance of Gomez (Douglas Sills) and Morticia ( Sara Gettelfinger ) that sang so well, and made me laugh until I cried. I fell in love, and connected with the moon like I've never had before. Luckily, at Beso, I got to say hi to Sills, that not only talented, also charming in person and extremely handsome! and take a look at the tall, most impressive Gettelfinger. The food was nice, and the company was great. Go and see. You'll love it.