Vision-Film & Television Production’s Omer Bar Sadeh and Head Writer Michael Seligman showed up to Capitol City Sports Bar and Grill September 30th for the premiere of Logo Network’s newest reality TV show, The Arrangement.Omer came out to support Vision’s industry peers Joe Del Hierro, and David Stanley, two executive producers for the show. The Arrangement follows a group of twelve floral designers competing for the winning title. Stanley, a native to the flowerdecorating industry came up with the concept for Logo. Omer BarSadeh and Joe Del Heirro, Executive Producer "The Arrangement" Omer watched the premiere episode with the likes of top Hollywood celebrities, producers, and managers, wherein the contestants had to make a floral arrangement around nude sushi models. Overall, “it was a great night to come out and support some of my friends in the industry and be a part of a new hit show,” says Omer.